Codebase Orientation


Code Snippets: snippets/

This comprises the sample code snippets for the extension. Refer to Code Snippet Metadata to learn more about the content of each code snippet.

Binder setup: binder/

This contains an environment specification for repo2docker which allows the repository to be tested on This specification is developer focused. For a more user-focused binder see the JupyterLab demo.

Test: test/ cypress/

test/ contains unit test scripts using jest. And, cypress/ contains integration test scripts using Cypress.

Design: design/

This directory contains gifs or images that show the design perspective of our extension.

Style: style/

This directory contains all of the CSS styling used in the extension.

Documentation: docs/

This directory contains the Sphinx project for this documentation.


Description of each file in src/

  • CodeSnippetContentsService.ts: this contains a wrapper class that uses the functions defined in @jupyterlab/contentsSerivce.
  • CodeSnippetDisplay.tsx: this contains a major React component that defines key code snippets UI and renders code snippets.
  • CodeSnippetEditor.tsx : this contains a React component that creates an editor for each code snippet.
  • CodeSnippetEditorTags.tsx: this contains a React component that renders code snippet tags in code snippet editor.
  • CodeSnippetFilterTools.tsx: this contains a react component that renders a search bar and filter box.
  • CodeSnippetInputDialog.ts: this contains a class that defines the content of the custom code snippet form.
  • CodeSnippetLanguages.ts: this contains a list of supported languages and their corresponding icons.
  • CodeSnippetMenu.ts: this contains a lumino widget that creates dropdown dialog when three dots icon is clicked.
  • CodeSnippetMessage.ts: this contains a class that creates a message as a modal window after creating, copying, or downloading snippet.
  • CodeSnippetPreview.ts: this contains a lumino widget that creates a preview minimap.
  • CodeSnippetService.ts: this contains a wrapper class that handles the backend storage of the code snippets in JupyterLab Settings API.
  • CodeSnippetUtilities.ts: this contains a few utility functions that are used across the codebase.
  • CodeSnippetWidget.tsx: this contains a Lumino react widget that acts as a container of code snippets.
  • index.ts: this contains the activation of our extension.